To succeed at work, employees must know how to solve problems. Are we so reactive that we quickly come up with an answer to satisfy a deadline? Or do we see what others are doing and simply apply their ideas?...
When embarking on an elearning project, it can be intimidating to think about creating your own interface. There seems to be a never-ending stream of questions to consider: Where do I begin? How do I get buy-in from my stakeholders? Is the final product going to resonate with...
Will the effective skills your participants are learning about in the classroom translate to what they do in the workplace? As someone who cares deeply about this question, I’m going to make two bold statements, and then make a recommendation....
A number of factors enhance or detract from a learning experience. Consider which ones you can control. Colors, seating, tools, environmental considerations, and your attitude, dress, preparation, and passion all enhance—or detract from—an effective and positive learning environment. Color. Research has...